Affordable eviction defense help

In Court Eviction Defense Representation

Tenants can get legal help at our in-person courthouse clinics during the morning eviction docket in Multnomah County Circuit Court.

The Tenant Eviction Defense (TED) team provides tenants with brief advice, helps negotiate agreements with their landlord's lawyers, and facilitates rental assistance applications. TED hopes to empower tenants, avoid evictions, and mitigate the long-term impact of an eviction on a tenant's record. 

TED has very limited capacity to help tenants outside the morning eviction docket courthouse clinics. BEFORE ANY TENANT IS A CLIENT, THEY WILL BE ASKED TO SIGN AN ENGAGEMENT LETTER. Representation is NOT guaranteed. 

How to prepare for court in Multnomah County

step 1

Arrive in court

Show up early the day of your hearing, between 8-8:15am. The courthouse is at 1200 SW 1st Ave, Portland, OR 97204. Once you make it through security, go up the stairs and to the right to the Crane Room. 

step 2

Documents to bring

Bring to court with you copies of all the paperwork you received or signed related to your case, including proof of any payments your landlord disputes receiving. 

step 3

Rental assistance

If nonpayment of rent is an issue in your case, please APPLY FOR RENTAL ASSISTANCE NOW, before your hearing:

Multnomah County tenants, contact Bienestar de la Familia at 503-988-3509.

Other free or low-cost legal help for Oregon Renters

Oregon Law Center's Eviction Defense Project

Service area: All of Oregon

Eligibility: Free legal assistance to low-income tenants living afacing eviction court cases. Eligibility is based on income. Services are provided regardless of immigration status and there is no immigration consequence to anyone for receiving help from the Eviction Defense Project. 

Available services: Review court filings, 1-on-1 consultation, representation in court (depends on availabiltiy of attorneys, ability to appear remotely, and may be subject to qualification)

Phone: 888-585-9638

Metropolitan Public Defender Community Law Division

Service Area: Multnomah County

Available services: Review court filings, pre-court negotiation, representation in court (depends on availability of attorneys, ability to appear remotely, and may be subject to qualification)

Contact: Call 211 and ask for rental assistance and legal referral. Or, if you have a social services caseworker, ask for a referral to Community Law.

Bienestar de la Familia

Service Area: Multnomah County

Available services: Rental assistance and utility assistance.

Phone: (503) 988-3509
