Services include Family Law Mediation, such as dissolution or separation, parenting time, and custody.
Fee Information (March 2022):
The rate for our services is $125 per hour. Mediation sessions are 90 minutes in duration; you pay for the scheduled time and any additional time you use. Each party must pay one half of the total cost, unless a different cost sharing agreement has been made by the parties. Therefore, the total cost for your 90 minute mediation session is $187.50 and each of you will owe $93.75. Fees are payable through our online payment portal and due at the beginning of your session.
If you have an open family law case pending before the court and you want to mediate with Resolution Services, the cost of your first two sessions is covered by the court at no charge to you.
If the Court has granted a fee waiver in your case then your fees for mediation with us will also be waived.
Servicios en español:
Resolution Services (Servicios de Resolución) es una agencia del Condado de Clackamas cuya meta es fortalecer las relaciones familiares, reducir los conflictos dentro de las familias, y a la vez reducir la dependencia en el sistema de las cortes para resolver los conflictos.
Resolution Services (Servicios de Resolución) ofrece en español la mediación para resolver asuntos de relaciones domesticas (Domestic Relations Mediation), la consejería para parejas (Couples Counseling), y la mediación familiar entre padres y sus hijos (Youth and Family Mediation). También ofrecemos clases de educación para los padres (Parent Education Class) en el condado de Clackamas y el condado de Multnomah. Para más información acerca del horario para las clases, llame a 503-655-8415 y oprima #1.