Obtaining Child Support While Over 18 & Attending School

College Student

Child support in Oregon

Typically, child support is discontinued when a child turns 18 years of age. In Oregon, an adult child attending school may be entitled to receive child support payments from either or both parents if there is a current Oregon child support order.

To receive child support, a child attending school must be:

1. At least 18 years of age but under 21 years of age;
2. Have must be a current child support order or judgment in Oregon;
3. Unmarried, not an active member of the military, or legally emancipated; and
4. Attending school as determined under statute and administrative rules, meaning
a. Be enrolled in school at least half-time, as defined by the school; and
b. Making satisfactory academic progress, as defined by the school.

How the court order works

In most cases, a court order for divorce should contain a section that provides support for any child who is or will be attending school. However, Oregon statute also provides an opportunity for the court to modify an existing order to include support for a child attending school if needed. Support for an adult child attending school can come from one or both parents. This support should continue even during regularly scheduled breaks from schooling, as defined in ORS 107.108(1)(b), and may be extended to children attending school outside of Oregon. 
An adult child attending school must also give consent to the school they are enrolled in to release information regarding their enrollment status and academic progress to ensure they are meeting the statutory guidelines. To ensure a child receives their support in a timely and efficient manner, it is crucial to communicate with either or both parents and the Oregon Child Support Program regarding enrollment before and during the support period. The Oregon Child Support Program provides options to safeguard a student’s personal information and ensure their safety while also offering essential support.
If a child attending school fails to make satisfactory academic progress, leaves school, or is not at least half-time, support can be terminated. Furthermore, after a child attending school reaches 21 years of age, support is terminated, regardless of whether the adult child attending school has completed their education.
If you have additional questions about whether an adult child attending school is eligible for support, how child support is calculated, or about child support in general, contact the Oregon Child Support Program.

The Commons Law Center Blog is for information purposes only. It is not legal advice.

posted June 16, 2023

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